Cleaning companies as well as construction firms always face with employee disloyalty. Since a company’s reputation is the one of the major priority for every business owner, dissatisfied workers may easily damage it.
I would like to introduce the situation which is probably well known by cleaning service providers. Especially, all these cleaning companies may be familiar with this issue that offer crew of two or one person cleaning service. I’ll try to describe the point of views of three parties involved in the problem: the cleaning company losing the client, a former/fired cleaning person, and a customer who simply doesn’t care.
Easy target
Ann worked for a cleaning company two years as a subcontractor. She was responsible for the small area, mostly visiting the same houses every week or every other week. An employer tried to fill every gap in her work schedule by one time service projects. It wasn’t easy during hard economic times.
She was getting frustrated seeing her paychecks every week. It was not the same amount as she had received a year ago. She was aware that the supervisors did everything to keep her busy, but on the other hand that was not her problem, that there are not enough work.
The idea of “takeover the houses” wasn’t new. She had heard about the cleaning workers who quit the job for the company and right after that they visited all former clients with their offers. Typically, they proposed lower rates and even better services than the company could offer.
There was only one thing she was afraid of. Not everybody can accept her offer, so she assumed the risk of losing a few customers. She decided to complain on her employer to present her tough situation. “They may sympathize with me if I tell them how my job looks like … also some fictitious details might color the stories.”
Part II